To read various newspapers (Print and E-form) daily
To read magazines, periodicals (Print and E-form) etc.
To know the Syllabus of our curriculum
To read books and reference material related to competitive examination
To read the text books, reference books on College Identity card in reading room
To write down the previous University and College test examination question papers
To enjoy the freedom of Open access to select the required book
To collect the informative material for writing essays, article and research papers on various level
To prepare a good speech on various occasion
To prepare notes on your syllabus for examination
To participate in the programs organized by the Library and Knowledge Resource Centre, Cultural committee,
N.S.S. and other departments of College at various Occasion
To make preparation for an interview for any post
To develop your personality more dynamic and versatile
To know the different tricks and techniques of study
To read the On- line ebooks and e-journals
To use the off-line CD/DVDs of reading materials
To use the most useful Newspaper clipping files on various topics.
To listen/watch the educational audio-visual clips
To get the ''Best user award''
To know the basics of research process
To shape your bright future
To meet Librarian to solve your problem regarding how to read, how to write, how to search information