Savitri Jyotirao Social Work College, Yavatmal
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Dr. Ramakant Kolte
President Message
Dear friends,
Established in 1993, Savitri Jyotirao Social Work College, Yavatmal is exclusively having an undergraduate social work course. Realizing the needs of the district the founder Prof.Dr.Ramakant Kolte the Principal Dr.Avinash Shirke along with teaching and non teaching members with the acquaintance of various skills are contributing ruthlessly for the betterment of the institute. Read More
After all SJSWC believes that the commitment cannot be caught within the four walls but it should be caught outside the four walls that shall help an individual in developing a vision for a better tomorrow.
The major achievements, the development of field based cost effective watershed development technology, interventions in money lenders issue to the level of legislative measure by the state government, responding to three major national calamities namely Gujarat earthquake, Tsunami, and Bihar flood relief Evaluation, audit of watershed projects, social audit of MGNREGA, Training in P.R.A entrepreneurship etc. could help the faculty and the students in capacity building. With the beginning in the small campus, today the SJSM is having a bigger campus of six acres with a good building and boys as well as girls hostel. It is having a project office at the old campus with Wifi facility for the students and the staff of SJSWC as well. Most of the members having had sound field experience are doing .
History of The Institute
Established in 1993, Savitri Jotirao Social Work College, Yavatmal is exclusively having an undergraduate social work course. Realizing the needs of the district the founder Prof. Dr.Ramakant Kolte who himself is a well known academician and a eminent writer in Marathi decided to introduce such a course that shall help the local area and the students to opt for the admissions for the post graduate courses from the institutions of national repute.
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Mr. Avinash V. Shirke who had started working in the district took charge of the institution with the idea of strengthening the basic professional qualities in the students and initiating some need based field actions by own interventions or with the help of local NGOs and government departments in the district.It is really praiseworthy to note that the SJSWC inspire of its non grant status for almost 14 years, could achieve ‘A’ grade in the inspection conducted in 2004 by Tata Institute of social sciences Mumbai. Almost 100 percent job placement of the students or admissions to good academic institutions, its active participation in the societal activities by way of Field Action Projects or support to the leading NGOs could only achieve such status. To point out some of the major achievements, the development of field based cost effective watershed development technology, interventions in money lenders issue to the level of legislative measure by the state government, responding to three major national calamities namely Gujarat earthquake, Tsunami, and Bihar flood relief Evaluation, audit of watershed projects, social audit of MGNREGA, Training in P.R.A entrepunership etc. could help the faculty and the students in capacity building. With the beginning in the small campus, today the SJSWC is having a bigger campus of six acres with a good building and boies as well as girls hostel. It is having a project office at the old campus with Wifi facility for the students and the staff of SJSWC as well. Most of the members having had sound field experience are doing their doctoral research in the area of their interest. To sum up, it is the vision of the management with strong ethical support. All the teaching and non teaching members with the acquaintance of various skills are contributing ruthlessly for the betterment of the institute. After all SJSWC believes that, the commitment cannot be caught within the four walls but it should be caught outside the four walls that shall help an individual in developing a vision for a better tomorrow.
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Savitri Jyotirao Social Work College, Yavatmal

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Savitri Jyotirao Social Work College, Yavatmal
Savitri Jyotirao Nagar,
Pimpalgaon, Yavatmal-445001
- Principal - Dr. Arun D. Shende
- + 91(0) 96 23 43 34 38 (Acting Principal)