Dr. Ramakant Kolte

President Message

Dear friends, Established in 1993, Savitri Jyotirao Social Work College, Yavatmal is exclusively having an undergraduate social work course. Realizing the needs of the district the founder Prof.Dr.Ramakant Kolte the Principal Dr.Avinash Shirke along with teaching and non teaching members with the acquaintance of various skills are contributing ruthlessly for the betterment of the institute. Read More

History of The Institute

Established in 1993, Savitri Jotirao Social Work College, Yavatmal is exclusively having an undergraduate social work course. Realizing the needs of the district the founder Prof. Dr.Ramakant Kolte who himself is a well known academician and a eminent writer in Marathi decided to introduce such a course that shall help the local area and the students to opt for the admissions for the post graduate courses from the institutions of national repute.
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