Library Department
Rules of Library Department
While entering the library, all personal effects such as umbrellas, sticks, books, parcels, Hand-bags, and purses etc. are not allowed in the Library.
The staff member of the Library at the entrance is Authorized to examine. Everything that passes into or out of the library.
Talking, spitting, eating food, or any behavior calculated to disturb other readers or the discipline of the Library is strictly prohibited.
The Librarian shall have the power to suspend the use of the Borrower’s card of any member or to refuse admission to any one infringing any rules of the Library and/or to suspend or cancel the use of the borrower’s ticket and the Reading Room Facility of any member.
No books shall be removed from the library by any person unless the person has signed in the library records maintained for the purpose.
No books shall be issued to any person other than duly registered as a Library member.
No books shall be issued during the period when the stock verification is in process, only the facilities of the reading room will be granted. Borrowers shall return all the books borrowed by them three clear days before the commencement of such a period. Usual late fee shall be charged if the books are not returned before the date mentioned above.
Library Services
The Library provide following Services/ Facilities to the User
Circulation/ Lending Service
Reservation Service
Deposit Scheme (for Ex. Students & Researcher)
Bibliographic Service
Reprographic Service (Photocopy, Xeroxing etc.)
Reading Room Facility
Current Contents Service (CCS)
News Paper Clipping Service
Reference Service
Current Awareness Service (CAS)
Information Display and Notification Service
Previous 6th Year Question Papers Bank
SMS Alert to Faculty
Open Access to Library Resources