Acting Principal

Dr. Arun D. Shende

B.Sc. M.S.W.(SET), Ph.D.

It's in the early go’s the course in social work was only limited to three Social Work institutions in the entire Vidarbha region which comprises 11 districts. These three institutions were situated only in two metropolises of Vidarbha namely Nagpur and Amravati. The rural and tribal face was missing entirely. On the contrary the rural and tribal issues were dominant in the region. Such issues can only be addressed very effectively with the active participation of the professionally trained manpower having local background. The rural issues like Mother and child Health, malnourishment, watershed development, joint forest management, exploitation of the haves not by the vested interest groups are the pertinent issues in which socio- cultural factors are very influential. This is where the need of establishing a social work institute was perceived. This too could be realized because of my active involvement with the society, when I was the Head of the department (Marathi) in Amolakchand Mahavidyalaya – Yavatmal. That time junior college Prof.Dr. Ashok Rana and one of the students who is now heading the social work institute as a Principal (in charge) Dr. Avinash Shirke had successfully completed his Masters degree in social work from the renowned karve Institute of Social Services- pune. His active involvement in the rural community struck me by initiating the social work institution in the Yavatmal district. It was clearly understood that the bachelors course in social work be initiated as such a foundation course might become a launching pad for the rural and tribal students passing out from the institute. Even some of them who may not opt for higher studies might initiate their activities in their communities.That’s where the establishment of the undergraduate course in social work in 1993 proved to be a path setting experiment. It may please be noted that our management body is mostly represented by the academicians and has merged financial or material resources. Yet with the very strong commitment and sense of responsibility of our college team we could achieve a grant in aid status after a long struggle of the first fourteen years. Even in these days we were closely associated with our academic as well as societal commitment. For social work institutions to groom…. Partnership, convergence, Digital mode and Innovations are the key components of the present era. Right from the beginning we as an institution have tried our level best to work with a variety of initiatives at the local level. In the last few years we could effectively work out the issues of farmers affected by money lenders and we have also evolved a participatory model of cost effective field based watershed development model for the dry land farmers. Both these issues have the policy implications over which our faculty members are working ruthlessly.Our timely r esponse to the five major national disasters was a great learning opportunity for our students and the faculty. Moreover our involvement in the mega events of the township like ‘92 nd Akhil Bhartiya Marathi Sahitya Sammelan’ to covid relief work by partnering with government and non government agencies proves to be of immense help as we grow together for better tomorrow. With this let me take the opportunity to wish our staff every success in their endeavour to serve the society.